Sweet Rocket

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Hideous Romance Covers/Blurb’s the Word Twofer: Smooth Operator by Ruth Owen

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Dear me. Where to begin. Maybe with the yeti’s Smooth Operator’s beard? Or with the lady who apparently visits cemeteries at night in her negligee? No, back to the ginger’s beard — I’m not against bearded heroes, but this?

Loveswept covers are, as a rule, hideous, but this one takes the cake. Naturally I couldn’t stand myself until I found out just what the hell was supposed to be going on here. Courtesy of FictionDB, here’s the skinny:

JACK—The Desire in His Eyes Melted Her Resistance Like Hot Blue Flame….

Security whiz Jack Fagen woke to the sound of alarm sensors, and knew an intruder had entered his garden! He tumbled his unexpected visitor to the ground, shocked to discover his defiant prey was a furious, violet-eyed goddess—and his new boss! Katrina Sheffield struggled against the delicious chain of explosions Jack’s hands set off, but she couldn’t deny that his heat branded her with wildfire.

His Scoundrel’s Voice Stroked Her Senses Like Silk

She’d fought having Jack troubleshoot her computer’s security system, but someone was trying to destroy all she’d worked for—and only this ruthless wanderer could prove her innocence. Spellbound by her surrender, overcome by primal longing, Jack claimed Kat with abandon while he took aim at the shadows that surrounded her. But could the inferno of her love melt the ice around her fierce god’s heart?

Just when you think nothing’s worse than the cover, you read the blurb. Have mercy. Oh well. Everything makes more sense, doesn’t it — now that we know that Fierce God Jack has ice around his heart, I’m totally okay with the beard.